NA of Moles

Privacy Policy

This website uses Vercel as the service provider. This website doesn’t use scripts or third party cookies to track the visitors, but due to Vercel some personal information (e.g. IP address and user agents) are logged for up to 24 hours for diagnostic reasons.

For more information refer to Vercel’s Privacy Policy

Visitor identification and data storage Vercel Web Analytics allows you to track your website traffic and gather valuable insights without using any third-party cookies, instead end users are identified by a hash created from the incoming request.

The lifespan of a visitor session is not stored permanently, it is automatically discarded after 24 hours.

After following the dashboard instructions to enable Vercel Web Analytics, see our Quickstart for a step-by-step tutorial on integrating the Vercel Web Analytics script into your application. After successfully completing the quickstart and deploying your application, the script will begin transmitting page view data to Vercel’s servers.

All page views will automatically be tracked by Vercel Web Analytics, including both fresh page loads and client-side page transitions.